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About a month before Ashley’s edd her blood pressure started spiking. She called concerned her caregivers would induce her. We talked about the different ways she could be induced, also that she could ask to think about it overnight. We also discussed things she could do to try to bring on labor and bring baby down.

At her next appointment she was given another week. I started researching blood pressure in late pregnancy and found some herbal remedies. I sent them to her. In the following week it lowered her BP considerably. At her next appt they did a NST, weren’t happy with the results so the scheduled a biophysical for the next day, the 20th. The biophysical turned out fine so they kept their induction date for the next day.

She went in the night of the 20th and had a cervical ripenor put in. We made plans for me to come the next morning about 8:30 when the Dr. was supposed to start the induction.

When I arrived they had just put a more aggressive ripenor in, cytotec. This one is also known to start contractions. Baby was still high, she was not dilated. They told her she could eat breakfast.

At about 9:44 she had a contraction strong enough she stopped eating.

About 11:30 she is sitting on the ball, we do some acupressure to try to bring on contractions again. They were steady for awhile after the cytotec was first put in, but then tapered off. The acupressure helped, but the cx weren’t strong enough.

At 1 they started pitocin. They checked her, she was 40% effaced, baby was still high and her cervix was still closed.

About this time Ashley’s birth photographer, Jennifer showed up. She took great pictures and was really sweet.

1:30 they increased the pit, her cx were about 40 seconds in duration. Still talking and calm.

3:00 pit on 9, nurse put Ashley on her side because the cx were so close together. She was getting a little sleep. At 3:27 her water broke, there was a little blood with it. This was a good sign and encouraging to all of us. This was the first real sign that anything was happening:)

About 4 I got her out of bed and on the ball. After this we changed positions about every half hour, she was happy to be up and out of the bed at this point. She danced with daddy, we did some hip squeezing, we adjusted the bed and she got on her knees and leaned on it, still swaying her hips. Always doing everything she could to try to bring her baby down. During this time, she was having some cluster cx. (5:04, they are about 2 min apart.)

5:25 she is having some pain, being pretty quiet.

6:00 they decreased the pitocin, she is still contracting, her body has taken over doing it on it’s own now.

7:17 she is very uncomfortable now. Showing signs of transition, shaky legs, her cx are regular. They check her, she is now at 4 centimeters. We are all very encouraged by this. She stays in bed, laying on her side, the baby is decelling with her contractions. Baby seems to do better with mom on her left side. Dad is encouraging her at her head, I am rubbing her back through contractions. Dad is doing a great job keeping her spirits up. Her cx are about 1 minutes apart, lasting about 1 to 1.5 minutes.

8:12 they check her again, she is now dilated to 6, 80% effaced. The nurse has called the Dr. a couple of times. She made a comment about Ashley being one of those women who could just go fast. She tells Ashley to tell us if she feels like something has changed or feels a lot of pressure. A few minutes later Ashley says she feels like shes right between her legs.

8:25 they check her again, she is dilated to 9, at a +1 station. The Dr comes in, they get Ashley in position. By 8:34 she had pushed baby out, with maybe, four pushes. They gave her some oxygen during pushing. The cord had been wrapped around her neck twice, which could explain why her heart rate was dropping with the contractions. There had been some concern about meconium in the amniotic fluid, but she gave clear cries when she came out, so they gave her right to Ashley. The Dr. also delayed cutting the cord till it stopped pulsating.

The staff let them alone and they called some family. Her mom, dad and daughter came up. They were all so excited:)

By 9:16 they were breastfeeding. I left a little after this.

Ashley and Josh worked so hard for this birth. I was proud of both them. They had no intentions of being induced, but they handled it all really well and just went with the flow of things. They made good choices along the way for themselves and their little one. I’m thankful to have been a part of this birth.


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In November I was priviledged to be part of the birth of someone I consider a close friend. Mom was an experienced birther. She has also worked as a labor and delivery nurse and taught cbe classes, so I also felt very much the student here.

 She had gestational diabeties, so was scheduled for induction at about 38 weeks. She aslo had a baby who had gotten quite comfy laying transverse. We (I say we, that would be her doing the work, me giving suggestions once in awhile) tried everything! She did a lot of research on different positions to try to get baby to turn. And from what I understand, her other kids rather enjoyed watching her try them all:) We also did a lot of praying.

At the time of her birth, baby had moved slightly, but was still transverse. Mom also still had a posterior cervix. The plan was to go in early that morning, try to turn the baby and then start the induction. I was admittedly excited to be able to watch an external version.

We went in early, about 6 a.m. Saturday morning. She was excited to see one of the nurses she worked with years ago there when we arrived. The 1st thing they did was place her epidural. We then waited for the Doc. We did a lot of waiting that day:)

He came in some time latter along with a resident who assisted him. They had already done an ultrasound to see exactly where baby was. They poured mineral oil on her belly and got started. I don’t really have words to describe it, a womans stomach should not contort like that! The Doc worked on moving the baby, then they checked to see where she was. He had moved her down some, but had a little way to go. He worked hard, pushing with his whole body, by the time he was done he was sweating. The 2cd time he was able to move baby completely into place. It was very exciting, we were all really happy that the version was succesful.

Now if we could get her to stay there! This baby was so active! Mom said she had been that way the whole pregnancy. Everytime she moved I got a little nervous. After the version they placed cytotec on her cervix, and we waited the 4 hours that was hospital policy.

After that they started the pitocin. Her contractions began and did their job. She dilated and started a gradual progression. Right around in here somewhere her family decided to go have dinner and asked me if I wanted to come. We didn’t know precisely where she was at, but she had mentioned that she was feeling a little pressure. I had also noticed a little change in her, she had started to flush a little here and there. I opted o/o leaving. I knew if she was feeling pressure than I needed to stay.

It was soon after they left that she became complete and they called the Doc. I was worried for a few minutes that her family would miss it. They did all their prepping and she was soon pushing. It didn’t take her long to push her gorgeous baby out. Of course it never seems like a long time to me:)

Baby was born about 7 that evening, weighed 8 lbs, 9 oz. The Doc had been sure this whole time that she was going to have a big baby. But his idea of big was over 9 lbs. Mom kept telling him that she wasn’t that big. After they weighed her we laughed because Doc couldn’t believe it. He told them to weigh her again.

 It was a great time, a great birth. She had excellent staff. Her nurse was amazing. She was knowledgable, experienced and had wonderful patient care. She was gentle and patient. Her Doc was fun and easy going. It was really a great experience and I’m glad I was able to be there. I didn’t have much to do, but I also feel like I saw a new side of birth.

Mom was confidant and knowledgable in her desicions during this pregnancy and birth. It was a priviledge for me to be there for it.

What I learned from this one? This is what induction should look like. I do realize there is a difference between this mother who has had multiple births b4 this one and the consistancy of her cervix, versus and 1st time mom. But I wish this type of birth for all mothers who have to be induced…

Also, when mom has had an epidural, and is progressing so well, there really wasn’t anything for me do. That said, there is a whole other part of being a doula that comes into play here. The emotional part. The part of a woman that wants another woman with her…

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baby Aiden, 10/28/08

This is the birth of Aiden. Mom is a close friend of mine. Tues morning I went to a doc appt with her. She was 6 days post. Her doc gave her a cervical ripenor and they monitored her for 45 minutes and then sent her home. She was having some back pain by the time she got home. About 4 she calls me and is in alot of pain, all in her back. She said it sometimes came around to the front. I said, “are you telling me that you’re having pain that starts in the back and comes around to the front?” She said, “no, it’s only done that a couple of times.” I asked her if she wanted me to come over. She said no, that she was going to relax a little and then she had to go pick up her daughter. I told her we were going to a chiro appt and to call me back in about an hour, or if anything changes, we also talked a little relaxation breathing, that sort of thing.

She went up to her babies room, turned off all the lights, rubbed some lotion on her belly, and thought about her baby. She then realized that the pain she was having had started to come from the bottom and wrap around. She was having contractions, about 3 in 10 minutes. She called her friend to ride w/ her to pick her daughter, got home and told her hubby it was time to go. My family and I had went to our appt, and were in the walmart parking lot when her hubby called telling me it was time, they were in the parking garage of Memorial hospital. I tell my husband to go, he starts to turn right, I tell him to go left to Memorial, he says, “don’t you need your doula bag?” I told him to just get me there! This mother has a reputation of precipitous births.

I got to the hospital, at the desk on the baby floor I told them who I was looking for, I said, “I’m not sure if she’s in triage or what.” The lady behind the desk said, “Oh no, we sent that young lady straight to a birthing suite!” I was thinking that this wasn’t looking good…..I found her room and when I went in she was in a lot of pain, having hard, fast contractions. She didn’t want to be touched so I tried to talk her thru them, help her not to hold her breath or tense up too much.

When I got there I had to go the bathroom (lol) really bad, she went thru another contraction and I thought I had a second to run in there. I got to the other side of the bed and she had another one coming. They were even closer. When she got there at 6:05, she was between 5-6. She said something felt different and that she had to pee. They checked her again, she was between 7-8. Then she started to feel like she had to puke. I’m thinking that I can hardly believe it’s happening this fast again. We get her to the toilet where she get’s quiet and really relaxed for a couple of minutes. Something changes and she loudly tells us she needs to get back in the bed now, that he’s here!!”

They checked her, and said she just had a lip of cervix left. She starts saying she’s going to push. She said, “am I allowed??” She had never felt that urge w/ her 1st one. The doc wasn’t in the room yet, but the nurse said she had caught 38 babies. (!) The nurses told her to do whatever she had to do and were trying to get her into a better position and then the doc comes in. He has dad and I take a leg and push up, she pushes once, we see the head, she pushes again, the head is out, she pushes again and the body is out! All 9lbs, 5 oz of him. 🙂 She delivered at 6:35!! (never did get to go to the bathroom…)

This mother is such an amazing mom. She worked so hard staying healthy during her pregnancy. It was tough on her at the end because of how fast her 1st birth was, none of us knew what to expect this time around. But she did an awesome job of listening to her body and her instincts. All are healthy and breastfeeding happily:) Thank you for including me in this beautiful process again!

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