
Archive for May, 2012

About a month before Ashley’s edd her blood pressure started spiking. She called concerned her caregivers would induce her. We talked about the different ways she could be induced, also that she could ask to think about it overnight. We also discussed things she could do to try to bring on labor and bring baby down.

At her next appointment she was given another week. I started researching blood pressure in late pregnancy and found some herbal remedies. I sent them to her. In the following week it lowered her BP considerably. At her next appt they did a NST, weren’t happy with the results so the scheduled a biophysical for the next day, the 20th. The biophysical turned out fine so they kept their induction date for the next day.

She went in the night of the 20th and had a cervical ripenor put in. We made plans for me to come the next morning about 8:30 when the Dr. was supposed to start the induction.

When I arrived they had just put a more aggressive ripenor in, cytotec. This one is also known to start contractions. Baby was still high, she was not dilated. They told her she could eat breakfast.

At about 9:44 she had a contraction strong enough she stopped eating.

About 11:30 she is sitting on the ball, we do some acupressure to try to bring on contractions again. They were steady for awhile after the cytotec was first put in, but then tapered off. The acupressure helped, but the cx weren’t strong enough.

At 1 they started pitocin. They checked her, she was 40% effaced, baby was still high and her cervix was still closed.

About this time Ashley’s birth photographer, Jennifer showed up. She took great pictures and was really sweet.

1:30 they increased the pit, her cx were about 40 seconds in duration. Still talking and calm.

3:00 pit on 9, nurse put Ashley on her side because the cx were so close together. She was getting a little sleep. At 3:27 her water broke, there was a little blood with it. This was a good sign and encouraging to all of us. This was the first real sign that anything was happening:)

About 4 I got her out of bed and on the ball. After this we changed positions about every half hour, she was happy to be up and out of the bed at this point. She danced with daddy, we did some hip squeezing, we adjusted the bed and she got on her knees and leaned on it, still swaying her hips. Always doing everything she could to try to bring her baby down. During this time, she was having some cluster cx. (5:04, they are about 2 min apart.)

5:25 she is having some pain, being pretty quiet.

6:00 they decreased the pitocin, she is still contracting, her body has taken over doing it on it’s own now.

7:17 she is very uncomfortable now. Showing signs of transition, shaky legs, her cx are regular. They check her, she is now at 4 centimeters. We are all very encouraged by this. She stays in bed, laying on her side, the baby is decelling with her contractions. Baby seems to do better with mom on her left side. Dad is encouraging her at her head, I am rubbing her back through contractions. Dad is doing a great job keeping her spirits up. Her cx are about 1 minutes apart, lasting about 1 to 1.5 minutes.

8:12 they check her again, she is now dilated to 6, 80% effaced. The nurse has called the Dr. a couple of times. She made a comment about Ashley being one of those women who could just go fast. She tells Ashley to tell us if she feels like something has changed or feels a lot of pressure. A few minutes later Ashley says she feels like shes right between her legs.

8:25 they check her again, she is dilated to 9, at a +1 station. The Dr comes in, they get Ashley in position. By 8:34 she had pushed baby out, with maybe, four pushes. They gave her some oxygen during pushing. The cord had been wrapped around her neck twice, which could explain why her heart rate was dropping with the contractions. There had been some concern about meconium in the amniotic fluid, but she gave clear cries when she came out, so they gave her right to Ashley. The Dr. also delayed cutting the cord till it stopped pulsating.

The staff let them alone and they called some family. Her mom, dad and daughter came up. They were all so excited:)

By 9:16 they were breastfeeding. I left a little after this.

Ashley and Josh worked so hard for this birth. I was proud of both them. They had no intentions of being induced, but they handled it all really well and just went with the flow of things. They made good choices along the way for themselves and their little one. I’m thankful to have been a part of this birth.


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